
France, officially the French Republic, The country's eighteen integral regions (five of which are situated overseas) span a combined area of 643,801 km2 (248,573 sq mi) and a total population of 67.413 million (as of May 2021). France is a unitary semi-presidential republic with its capital in Paris, the country's largest city and main cultural and commercial centre.A member of the Group of Seven (formerly Group of Eight) leading industrialized countries, as of 2020, it is ranked as the world's tenth largest and the EU's second largest economy by purchasing power parity.France has a diversified economy, that is dominated by the service sector (which represented in 2017 78.8% of its GDP), whilst the industrial sector accounted for 19.5% of its GDP and the primary sector accounted for the remaining 1.7%. The fifth largest trading nation in the world (and second in Europe after Germany). It is the third largest manufacturing country in Europe behind Germany and Italy. France is also the most visited destination in the world, as well the European Union's leading agricultural power.
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High income
Europe & Central Asia